General Strategy for Factoring Polynomials

6.4 General Strategy for Factoring Polynomials

Topics covered in this section are:

  1. Recognize and use the appropriate method to factor a polynomial completely

6.4.1 Recognize and Use the Appropriate Method to Factor a Polynomial Completely


HOW TO: Use a general strategy for factoring polynomials.

  1. Is there a greatest common factor?
    Factor it out.
  2. Is the polynomial a binomial, trinomial, or are there more than three terms?
    If it is a binomial:
    • Is it a sum?
      Of squares? Sums of squares do not factor.
      Of cubes? Use the sum of cubes pattern.
    • Is it a difference?
      Of squares? Factor as the product of conjugates.
      Of cubes? Use the difference of cubes pattern.If it is a trinomial:
    • Is it of the form $x^{2}+bx+c$? Undo FOIL.
    • Is it of the form $ax^{2}+bx+c$?
      If $a$ and $c$ are squares, check if it fits the trinomial square pattern.
      Use the trial and error or “ac” method.
      If it has more than three terms:
    • Use the grouping method.
  3. Check.
    Is it factored completely?
    Do the factors multiply back to the original polynomial?

Remember, a polynomial is completely factored if, other than monomials, its factors are prime!

Example 1

Factor completely: $7x^{3}-21x^{2}-70x$.

Is there a GCF? Yes, $7x$.
Factor out the GCF. $7x(x^{2}-3x-10)$
In the parentheses, is it a binomial, trinomial, or are there more terms?
It is a trinomial with leading coefficient $1$.
“Undo” FOIL. $7x(x \ \ \ \ \ )(x \ \ \ \ \ \ )$
Is the expressions completely factored? Yes, neither binomial can be factored.
Check your answer by multiplying. $7x(x+2)(x-5)$
$7x^{3}-21x^{2}-70x \ \checkmark$

Be careful when you are asked to factor a binomial as there are several options!

Example 2

Factor completely: $24y^{2}-150$.

Is there a GCF? Yes, $6$.
Factor out the GCF.$6(4y^{2}-25)$
In the parentheses, is it a binomial, trinomial, or are there more than three terms. Binomial.
Is it a sum? No.
Is it a difference? Of squares or cubes? Yes, difference of squares. $6((2y)^{2}-(5)^{2})$
Write as a product of conjugates. $6(2y-5)(2y+5)$
Is the expression factored completely? Yes, neither binomial can be factored.
Check: $6(2y-5)(2y+5)$
$24y^{2}-150 \ \checkmark$

The next example can be factored using several methods. recognizing the trinomial squares pattern will make your work easier.

Example 3

Factor completely: $4a^{2}-12ab+9b^{2}$.

Is there a GCF? No.
Is it a binomial, trinomial, or are there more terms?
Trinomial with $a≠1$. But the first term is a perfect square.
Is the last term a perfect square? Yes.$(2a)^{2}-12ab+(3b)^{2}$
Does it fit the pattern, $a^{2}-2ab+b^{2}$? Yes.$(2a)^{2} \searrow – 12ab + \swarrow (3b)^{2}$
Write it as a square.$(2a-3b)^{2}$
Is the expression factored completely? Yes, the binomial cannot be factored.
Check your answer by multiplying.$(2a-3b)^{2}$
$(2a)^{2}-2 \cdot 2a \cdot 3b + (3b)^{2}$
$4a^{2}-12ab+9b^{2} \ \checkmark$

Remember, sums of squares do not factor, but sums of cubes do!

Example 4

Factor completely: $12x^{3}y^{2}+75xy^{2}$.

Is there a GCF? Yes, $3xy^{2}$.
Factor out the GCF.$3xy^{2}(4x^{2}+25)$
In the parentheses, is it a binomial, trinomial, or are there more than three terms? It is a binomial.
Is it a sum? Of squares? Yes.Sums of squares are prime.
Is the expression factored completely? Yes.
$12x^{3}y^{2}+75xy^{2} \ \checkmark$

When using the sum or difference of cubes pattern, be careful with the signs.

Example 5

Factor completely: $24x^{3}+81y^{3}$.

Is there a GCF? Yes, $3$. Factor it out. $3(8x^{3}+27y^{3})$
In the parentheses, is it a binomial, trinomial, or are there more than three terms? Binomial.
Is it a sum or difference? Sum.
Sum of squares or cubes? Cubes.
Write it using the sum of cubes pattern.
Is the expression factored completely? Yes.$3(2x+3y)(4x^{2}-6xy+9y^{2})$
Check by multiplying. We leave this to you.

Example 6

Factor completely: $3x^{5}y-48xy$.

Is there a GCF? Yes, $3xy$. Factor it out. $3xy(x^{4}-16)$
Is the binomial a sum or difference? Of squares or cubes?
Write it as a difference of squares.
$3xy \left( (x^{2})^{2}-(4)^{2} \right)$
Factor it as a product of conjugates. $3xy(x^{2}-4)(x^{2}+4)$
The first binomial is again a difference of squares. $3xy \left( (x)^{2}-(2)^{2} \right) (x^{2}+4)$
Factor it as a product of conjugates.$3xy(x-2)(x+2)(x^{2}+4)$
Is the expression factored completely? Yes.
Check by multiplying. $3xy(x-2)(x+2)(x^{2}+4)$
$3x^{5}y-48xy \ \checkmark$

Example 7

Factor completely: $4x^{2}+8bx-4ax-8ab$.

Is there a GCF? Factor out the GCF, $4$.$4(x^{2}+2bx-ax-2ab)$
There are four terms, use grouping.$4[x(x+2b)-a(x+ab)]$
Is the expression completely factored? Yes.
Check your answer by multiplying. $4(x+2b)(x-a)$
$4x^{2}+8bx-4ax-8ab \ \checkmark$

Taking out the complete GCF in the first step will always make your work easier.

Example 8

Factor completely: $40x^{2}+44xy-24y$.

Is there a GCF? Factor out the GCF, $4y$.$4y(10x^{2}+11x-6)$
Factor the trinomial with $a≠1$.$4y(5x-2)(2x+3)$
Is the expression completely factored? Yes.
Check your answer by multiplying. $4y(5x-2)(2x+3)$
$40x^{2}y+44xy-24y \ \checkmark$

When we have factored a polynomial with four terms, most often we separated it into two groups of two terms. Remember that we can also separate it into a trinomial and then one term.

Example 9

Factor completely: $9x^{2}-12xy+4y^{2}-49$.

Is there a GCF? No.
With more than $3$ terms, use grouping. Last $2$ terms have no GCF. Try grouping first $3$ terms.
Factor the trinomial with $a≠1$. But the first term is a perfect square.$(3x)^{2}-12xy+(2y)^{2}-49$
Is the last term of the trinomial a perfect square? Yes.
Does the trinomial fit the pattern, $a^{2}-2ab+b^{2}$? Yes.$(3x)^{2} _\searrow -12xy+ _\swarrow (2y)^{2}$
Write the trinomial as a square.$(3x-2y)^{2}-49$
Is this binomial a sum or difference? Of squares or cubes? Write it as a difference of squares.$(3x-2y)^{2}-7^{2}$
Write it as a product of conjugates.$((3x-2y)-7)((3x-2y)+7)$
Is the expression factored completely? Yes.

Check your answer by multiplying.

$9x^{2}-12xy+4y^{2}-49 \ \checkmark$

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